Order Form

Request your putter restoration
Please complete our special order request form. You can optionally attach a few photos so that we can properly assess it for restoration. We’ll be in touch to discuss your requirements and we’ll return an estimate for the putter restoration.
What happens next?
Once all the details are sent through, we’ll email you back with a price estimate. When you’re sending your putter, please remember to include the order information along with your full name, address and contact number.
- Complete the order form with your requirements
- You’ll hear from PJ Putters with a price estimate including the return delivery
- Pack and post your putter(s) with your order number and contact details
- We’ll survey your putter(s) and discuss the work and email an invoice to you
- We’ll work on your putter(s) – typically, this takes between 3 and 4 weeks
- Once the payment is complete, the restored/renovated putter(s) will be returned to you
How much is the return delivery?
Our postage prices start at £15 for the UK and will be higher for other countries. We’ll detail the cost in the quote.
When do I make a payment?
Once we’ve finalised the work, you’ll receive an invoice. You can either pay straight away or make a payment when you’ve seen the finished work.
How long will it take?
Depending upon what is required, the work will usually take between 3 and 4 weeks. The return delivery time may vary depending on where you live.